Previously, we went through a few of the best DAWs. You can read the previous article [here]. We are now continuing to mention some more DAWs that can help anyone to produce music of any genre.

Studio One

A powerful tool for creatives allowing you to build a sound with improved innovative workflow. PreSonus gives you tons of features in Studio One like 'Ampire', which provides inbuilt amplification for your guitar and bass, a set of amps that are near-perfect models of real analog circuits, and ARA 2.0 support for audio manipulation plugins for vocals, etc. which are closely integrated with popular software like Celemony's Melodyne. With 'Arranger Track' you get simpler arrangements for tracks, chord tracks, and a built-in shop for new sounds and plugins, and much more.

Check out everything about Studio One on their official website.


Cockos brings you this DAW that can be defined as a tool that can do almost anything. With good flexibility for commercial and home studios, this DAW has become popular among many artists. As affordable as it is, Reaper gives you extraordinary control over the routing capabilities for audio or MIDI. It avoids being bulky and heavy on your system by consuming less overall storage. This is due to a lack of prebuilt plugins that you usually get from other DAWs. But, due to the wide support of third-party plug-in effects and virtual instruments, you won't feel much of a difference. Other features like having a visual routing diagram, the ability to easily stretch audio around complex tempo changes, and more.

Check out everything about Reaper on their official website.

Reason Studios

A DAW that is visually stunning and equally powerful. Reason Studios, formerly known as Propellerhead Software, is truly a unique DAW that holds its own ecosystem. A production bundle that comes with a variety of virtual devices beautifully designed and placed in a rack-based workflow. It boasts support for a genuinely great SSL-modelled mixer, its own time-stretch algorithm, chord sequencer, and more. It comes with unique instruments like the popular Dr Octo Rex, Europa, Kong, NN-XT, etc. Over the years, Reason Studios have been perfecting utilities and sizable sound banks. There is a lot to explore here that benefits music production in every way possible.

Check out everything about Reason Studios on their official website.